Wednesday, June 12, 2024

US and NATO risk nuclear war in Ukraine


   By Reginald Johnson 

   While the world's attention has been focused in recent months on the utter horror of the Israel-Gaza war, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has taken a turn for the worse.

 The United States under Joe Biden has changed course and given Ukraine permission to use American-made weapons to strike inside Russia.  Also, NATO is creating "land corridors" to rush US troops to the frontlines in the event of war and NATO member France said it will put boots on the ground to "train" Ukrainian soldiers.

 These are reckless steps which escalate the crisis over Ukraine and increase the danger of this conflict becoming a world war, with nuclear weapons being used. Madness.

 Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News, has just written an excellent piece on the danger of the Ukraine war and how the US has been using fascists from that country to undermine Russia for nearly eight decades. (See "Using Ukraine Since 1948" at

 Here are the opening graphs:

 "The United States has for nearly 80 years seen Ukraine as the staging ground for its covert and increasingly overt war with Russia.

 "After years of warnings, and talk since 2008 of Ukraine joining NATO, Russia fought back two years ago. With neither side backing down, Ukraine is increasingly becoming a flashpoint that could lead to nuclear war."

 Please read the piece.


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