Monday, June 3, 2024

Democratic Party blocks democracy in New York


    By Reginald Johnson


     Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will not be on the ballot in New York State, despite the party collecting a whopping 42,000 signatures on petitions. This total fell short of the 70,000 threshold demanded by the state. That figure was set by Democratic Party leaders who run the state and want to keep third party candidates out of  elections and have set up impossible requirements for independent candidates to be on the ballot.

  The conduct by Democratic officials in New York puts the lie to the Democratic Party claim that their party is fighting to “protect democracy” and stop “authoritarianism.”

  Here is part of the statement about the result in New York by Stein:

  “Right now, New York is poised to have fewer choices on its ballot than any other state. This suppression of voter choice is part of the Democratic Party’s broader assault on democracy. After taking control of New York state government, Democrats tripled ballot access signature requirements while keeping the same short 6-week petitioning period. The DNC has broadcasted that they are paying lawyers and operatives to try to keep their competitors off the ballot, and recently posted a job to infiltrate opponents’ campaigns.

  "The Democrats’ attacks on democracy are too numerous to list, but maybe the most notorious is how they impersonated Green Party officials to call voters in North Carolina to pressure them into removing their names from the Green Party’s ballot access petitions. This is authoritarian, anti-democratic voter suppression and the height of hypocrisy from the Democratic Party, which claims to fight for voter’s rights, but in reality only fights to tighten the duopoly’s stranglehold on power.

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