Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Good news in Bridgeport



 Br Reginald Johnson


    BRIDGEPORT, CT --- In this city’s long running saga of election fraud, there may finally be some accountability for the key players.

  Democratic Town Committee Vice Chair Wanda Geter-Pataky and former Council Member Alfredo Castillo and two others, have been arrested.

Here is the statement by the reform group Bridgeport Generation Now:

 "Today, almost 5 years after the 2019 mayoral election, the voters of Bridgeport are finally able to see a level of accountability. The arrests of Wanda Geter-Pataky, Vice-Chair of Bridgeport’s Democratic Town Committee, and Alfredo Castillo, City Councilman in the 136th District, on charges related to election fraud, represent a measure of justice that the people of Bridgeport have been painstakingly waiting for.

 "Both officials have been charged with unlawful possession of absentee ballots, misrepresenting the eligibility requirements for absentee voting, and being present when voters completed their absentee ballots. Ms. Geter-Pataky has also been charged with witness tampering. Two other individuals – Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds – have also been arrested and charged.

 "We hope that today’s arrests send a message to everyone who is complicit in upholding the decades-long election abuse in Bridgeport: If you cheat to win, you will eventually lose. Today, Mayor Ganim should finally end the over 250 days of Ms. Geter-Pataky’s paid administrative leave.

 "Finally, in April, the SEEC forwarded two complaints of possible absentee ballot fraud in the 2023 Democratic mayoral primary to the chief state’s attorney office. We hope they investigate these matters swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. This coercive, fraudulent election rigging behavior that has destroyed our local democracy must end and the people of Bridgeport’s civil rights must be restored."

  Hopefully, the chief states' attorney will thoroughly investigate the election abuses from the last election. They were a disgrace. 

  At some point, one Joe Ganim must pay a price for his almost certain involvement in these irregularities. Bridgeport can never be made right until this happens.


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