Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump shooting: questions abound


  By Reginald Johnson

   Four days after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, numerous questions remain.

 How was it possible that a gunman was able to crawl up on the roof of a building only 150 yards away from Trump and get off shots before being taken out by authorities? Were all the buildings in the area being surveilled? Did the police know a full half hour before the shooting about the gunman? If so, why wasn’t action taken sooner? Why weren’t drones monitoring the area?

 This appears to be a colossal security failure. There have to be answers.

 Unlike 60 years ago with the Kennedy assassination, when there was only one piece of video evidence --- the movie film made by Abraham Zapruder --- this time there's plenty. A number of rally attendees took cell phone video of the suspected shooter when he was on the roof of the AGR building. So there's a lot of material for authorities to work with, and less chance of a cover-up.

 Check out the following article by Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News with an excellent piece going into all the outstanding questions as well as the ---  surprise, surprise --- less than stellar job by by self-described journalists covering the incident.

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