Monday, September 9, 2024

Israel bombs Gaza during polio vaccination drive


 By Reginald Johnson

 How low can Israel go? And how low can the United States go in supporting Israel?

 In the latest atrocity brought on the Palestinians, the Israeli military has bombed Gaza while humanitarian pauses are in effect so children can be given polio shots. A hospital has been hit and a school has been bombed.

 The vaccination drive by the UN is in question now after the IDF detained UN staff at gunpoint and bulldozed UN vehicles.

  These actions that impede a life-saving vaccination drive for children are not just shameful, they are barbaric. And the United States is aiding and abetting the barbarism.

Read it and weep.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

'Our news desert is getting bigger and drier'



        By Reginald Johnson 

   As many of you have heard, the fine all-news station WCBS Radio 880 in New York has been shut down to make way for sports talk, which is a disgrace.

   In the final sign-off for the station on Sunday night, anchor Wayne Cabot talked eloquently about the decline of news in our society and “the fight to stay informed.”

 Here is his statement:

“All of us here knew our audience is engaged and smart and we treated our audience with the respect that a well-informed, well-educated news consumer deserves. That’s right, deserves. Our news desert is getting bigger and drier. It’s like we should get a second medical opinion. 

  "We need to seek out more, and more varied news sources that we trust, because getting your information without the lies and brainwashing in one place has given way to a fight to stay informed. With each closing newspaper, radio newsroom, TV newsrooms, magazines and now even digital news operations, the country we love is diminished.

“So as we leave the news ecosystem after 57 years and 100 years of service on New York radio, we implore you to find that next trusted source , use it, support it in word and in deed. It’s the most patriotic thing you can do and the most satisfying. To paraphrase a CBS News legend (Edward R. Murrow),  “Good night, and good luck.”


Friday, August 23, 2024

Pillar of news coverage replaced by sports talk


   By Reginald Johnson


These are the last days for a bastion of news coverage, WCBS News Radio 880 in New York.

The station, which presented local, regional and national news pretty much 24-7 for the past 57 years to millions of people in the New York tri-state area, will close down news operations on Monday. A new station called WHSQ will take over and present ESPN sports talk.

  What a disaster. WCBS did quite a good job over the years reporting news in a thorough and professional manner. You had local and regional reports throughout the day and national and world stories at the top of the hour. And every half hour, you got sports headlines, traffic and weather.

 You could always turn on 880 and be sure you were going to get a pretty good overview of what was going on. It was kind of like “Old Reliable” on the radio dial.

 Now there’s going to be a “news desert” in what is supposed to be the “communications capital of the world” --- New York City.

  The parent company of WCBS, something called “Audacy” (they should just call it “Audacity”) insists that all is not lost. They say a sister station, 1010 WINS, still offers 24-7 news and will fill the void.

  No, it won’t. I’ve listened to 1010 WINS and it’s pathetic. Here’s the typical fare on WINS: somebody got assaulted in Times Square, a person was shot in the Bronx, or a car jumped the curb and hit a store window in Queens. Few national stories or any stories of import are offered.

  People will say, no problem, just bring up the Internet on your cell phone and you’ll get all the big news you need. Yes, you can, but in most cases you’ll have to pay for it. For most sites, like newspaper sites, you have to be a subscriber.

 And that’s another nice thing about WCBS 880. It’s free. Just turn on the radio, hit a button, and you’re there. You had news for free and totally accessible. No pay walls.

 Yes, you had to put up with ads, but so what? You got a lot of news.

 Personally, I go way back with WCBS 880. I've been listening for over 50 years. I can remember listening to the Senate Watergate hearings in 1973, and John Dean giving testimony, as I drove to work at the Bridgeport Telegram where I was a cub reporter. The station was running the Watergate hearings live, which was a real public service.

 And that's another key point that has to be made here. WCBS 880 provided a public service.  This is what journalism is supposed to do. The station is really a public service institution. Now some corporation, looking solely at its bottom line, and not considering the public interest, can just flick it away. Gone. This should not be allowed to happen.

But it does happen in our capitalist system where public needs or community needs are just not part of the equation.

Yesterday I heard longtime anchors Wayne Cabot and Paul Murnane chatting and reminiscing. Both have been there for 30-40 years covering so many big events, including 911.  Former legendary reporter Rich Lamb (who I remember came up to Bridgeport in 1987 to cover the L’Ambiance construction disaster) called in and said the end of WCBS represented a “radio earthquake” for the New York area and leaves a "vacumn." He’s right. Former anchor Bridgette Quinn and a producer (whose name I can't remember) also mourned the loss of the station. The producer said the time she spent at the station were “the best years of her life.” It was sad.

 Below is a good piece from CNN about the closure of 880, the decline of all-news radio, and the financial pressures stations are facing.

So there you have it.

All-news radio replaced by 24-7 sports talk.

Welcome to the dumbing down of America.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Our harrowing experience in the storm




         By Reginald Johnson             


   Many towns in western Connecticut are still reeling from the torrential downpour that hit last Sunday, which unleashed massive flooding --- sweeping away homes, collapsing roads and killing two people.

 The storm, which some officials are calling a “thousand-year storm” brought three months worth of rain in the space of a few hours. Towns like Monroe and Oxford and Newtown got 12-15 inches of rain. Incredible.

We were caught up in this storm and had a harrowing experience trying to get home. My wife works in Newtown and she had an appointment on Sunday with a client and we had to drive to her office. We knew that there was rain and a flood warning out there but it was supposed to be ending by 1:30 so we thought it was safe to drive from where we live in Bridgeport.

There was no rain when we left Bridgeport, but by the time we got to Newtown there was a steady rainfall and the sides of the roads had small rivers of water along the sidewalks. My wife finished with her client in an hour and it looked outside like things were clearing a bit, and we thought everything was going to be okay going home. The client, Lorena, lived in Newtown and she mentioned that if we had any issues we  should call her and we could come to her house. We didn’t think that was going to be necessary. But we were in for a surprise.

  We drove up Church Hill Road from Sandy Hook and were just going over the top towards the Blue Colony Diner below and suddenly we saw that the road was blocked ahead because of flooding. No cars were moving through. And then a shock --- we looked over on the right and saw cars that were submerged in water in a parking lot down at the base of the hill! That’s when we knew that we should have taken that flood warning more seriously.

 My wife said though, there was another way on a back road to get to 25 heading south to Bridgeport. We got on that, went through a pool of water with a lot of other cars but we made it through and we got to 25.  Now we thought we were home free to head south. But not so fast. We got up to the Stop & Shop store which is in the south end of Newtown and there was a huge flood and cars were halfway submerged in water. Many cars were backed up and people were just sitting there, most likely wondering like we were, what do we do now?

After that we turned around and I said maybe some of these pools of water would start going down, since rain had let up. So we thought we’ll just kill some time by going to grocery store and pick up some food, thinking that possibly we might have to spend the night in her office if we couldn’t get home.

 After an hour or so, we tried another back road but there was another blockage and a car was stuck in the water. Meanwhile another alert came over the phone saying there was a flood watch to 7:30. Things were getting anxious and our nerves were on edge. We turned around, hoping to get back to the office, thinking we would spend the night.

   But no luck. The flood water on Church Hill Road had not gone down and now there was a police barrier. That’s when we thought we would have to spend the night sitting in a parking lot in back of CVS.

  I had flashes of my childhood when there was a horrific storm in Connecticut called Hurricane Diane in 1955 and people throughout the Naugatuck Valley and many other towns in western Connecticut were stranded in their cars or homes and had to be rescued. Many could not be and over 90 lives were lost. Homes were swept away and bridges washed out.

 It was at that point we decided we had to call Lorena and take her up on her offer. She told us the roads to go on that were still not blocked and we were able to get to their house. Thank goodness! It was like finding a safe harbor.

We spent some time there and were able to relax a bit. Then Mike, Lorena’s husband, came out and said he’d heard that there was more more rain on the way and we better get going. He knew a back road that was still clear that would take us around the bottleneck on Route 25 and get us home. We jumped in our car, followed him and he led us to around the problem areas and to a clear area of 25 near Monroe. We thanked him so much and we went our way. There was some water in Monroe but we managed to get through it and then got into Trumbull and then Bridgeport, (where there really hadn’t been too much rain), and finally home. Thank you, lord.

 It was a very unnerving experience but while I was frazzled by it all, I realized looking at the news later that night and then in the morning that what we went through was not that bad, compared to what a lot of other people in the Valley and nearby towns like Oxford and Southbury went through. People had to be rescued by the fire department when they got stranded by the floodwater. Homes were washed away or severely damaged. And tragically two women in Oxford were killed when they were swept away by the flash floods. So overall we were lucky.

 All I know now is whenever you get an alert on your cell phone that there’s a flood warning you better follow it, because these storms can get bad quickly and they can produce a tremendous amount of water in a very short period of time and it can become hazardous or even life threatening.

 I also have to comment that these types of heavy rainstorms, or violent windstorms as well that are knocking down a lot of trees, are becoming more frequent. They appear to be a product of climate change and global warming. We really have to heed the scientists and do all we can to at least slow down this phenomenon. We can’t stop it altogether but at least we can slow it down and manage the effects in a safer way.

   Stay alert!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Jill Stein: act now to stop World War III


        By Reginald Johnson

     Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said this week it is critical that the United States act quickly to stop Israel from continuing its genocidal war in Gaza and aggressive military actions against Iran and Lebanon.

   Otherwise, she said, we may be headed towards the unthinkable.

   “It is imperative that the US stand up now before it’s too late, before we’re dragged into it which we should not be. This is an absolutely deadly conflict which has every capacity to spiral into not only a major regional but potentially a World War III type conflict that could readily go nuclear. And with Netanyahu and the fascist government that they have now, it is not hard to envision they’re using a nuclear weapon.”

  Speaking on the Krystal Kyle and Friends show, Stein said President Biden has to call Netanyahu and warn him that Israel has to stop its military campaign otherwise US aid will immediately end all aid and the US will get behind an economic boycott of Israel.

  Israel cannot wage its war without “full-bore” military support from the US, she said.

 Stein said that previous presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower, had prevented Israel from pursuing dangerous military actions at different times by threatening to withhold aid.

 So far, President Biden and the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris have only made mild criticisms of Israel’s campaign in Gaza. They have also said nothing about the recent missile assassination strikes against Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Beirut and Tehran ---actions which many observers believe could touch off a regional war.










Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump shooting: questions abound


  By Reginald Johnson

   Four days after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, numerous questions remain.

 How was it possible that a gunman was able to crawl up on the roof of a building only 150 yards away from Trump and get off shots before being taken out by authorities? Were all the buildings in the area being surveilled? Did the police know a full half hour before the shooting about the gunman? If so, why wasn’t action taken sooner? Why weren’t drones monitoring the area?

 This appears to be a colossal security failure. There have to be answers.

 Unlike 60 years ago with the Kennedy assassination, when there was only one piece of video evidence --- the movie film made by Abraham Zapruder --- this time there's plenty. A number of rally attendees took cell phone video of the suspected shooter when he was on the roof of the AGR building. So there's a lot of material for authorities to work with, and less chance of a cover-up.

 Check out the following article by Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News with an excellent piece going into all the outstanding questions as well as the ---  surprise, surprise --- less than stellar job by by self-described journalists covering the incident.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Greenwich woman loses family in Gaza genocide


 By Reginald Johnson


  For years, Raghda Shawa was a beloved doctor in Gaza.

 A pediatrician, Dr. Shawa cared for thousands of young children when they were sick, according to Lana Shawa Savoca, a relative who lives in Greenwich, CT and who was treated by Dr. Shawa at age 1-1/2.

 Shawa rose to be head of the Children’s Department at Al-Shifa Hospital, a top medical institution in Gaza City.

“She was a brilliant, kind woman,” said Savoca.

  Last November, Dr. Shawa, 85, confined to a wheelchair, was living in her home near Al-Shifa Hospital with her two ailing sisters, and two nurses, as the Israeli military campaign raged in the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces were fighting near the hospital and homes in the area were being bombed.

  “One day, two young Israeli soldiers came to the door. They said her home was marked to be bombed and they needed to evacuate,” said Savoca. “She looked at them and said, ‘You know I’m in a wheelchair. Where can I possibly go? There’s nowhere to go. Everything’s been bombed. I’m elderly. I have two older sisters who are sick here and two nurses. Why would you bomb my home?’ ” recounted Savoca.

  Savoca continued, “after she explained her situation they decided to leave. They apologized and said, ‘It’s okay, we’ll make sure that your home won't be bombed.’ “

    After a number of days the army pulled out of the Al-Shifa area, and Dr. Shawa and the other women were spared --- for now. But fierce fighting continued throughout the Gaza Strip, with Israel bombing at will --- striking hospitals, refugee camps, universities, food warehouses and wiping out whole neighborhoods. Despite international condemnation for the brutality of their campaign, Israel  --- fully backed by the United States --- refused to agree to a ceasefire.

  In March, fighting returned to the Al-Shifa hospital area, with the hospital itself coming under attack. Doctors and medical personnel who refused to leave were shot.

  Perhaps with a sense of foreboding, Dr. Shawa left the following voice recording with a relative: “Gaza has been exterminated. Look at your TV and watch… The whole world is watching… That’s all you’re doing, just watching, not doing anything.… Everyone is dancing on our wounds.”

  The exact details are not clear, but Savoca’s uncle, Mirwan Shawa, said Israeli warplanes which were bombing the area, also bombed Dr. Shawa’s home, despite the earlier pledge this would not happen. All the inhabitants were killed. No evacuation warning had been given, he said.

  After the Israeli army withdrew weeks later, relatives returned to where the house once was, and recovered the remains of those killed. A record of the deaths was made at the Gaza Health Ministry.

 Savoca’s aunt in Ramallah in the West Bank, who knew Dr. Shawa personally, sent out a text relaying the sad news. “I can’t believe this monstrous act,” she wrote.


Dr. Raghda Shawa, center.  A distinguished doctor in Gaza for decades, she was killed along with her sisters and two nurses when an Israeli warplane bombed her home in March. No evacuation warning was given before the bombing.

 Tragically, Dr. Shawa’s death was just one of many among the wider Shawa family in Gaza. Savoca said that the Health Ministry has recorded some 92 members of her family who have died since the Gaza war began in October of last year.

 “They were killed by bombing, shelling, and possibly starvation,” Savoca said.

 The news of Dr. Shawa’s death, and so many others in the Shawa family, has left Savoca shattered.

 “It’s just so, it’s beyond words at this point,” she said. “I mean there is no regard for Palestinian lives, at all. I mean the elderly are not valued, the young are not valued, doctors, especially, are not valued, nor are the lives of writers or journalists. This is unprecedented what is happening… this is indiscriminate killing,” she said.


The spreadsheet put together by the Shawa family of Gaza showing the names of 92 family members who have been killed in the Israel-Gaza War. The names were taken from the Gaza Health Ministry.


 What happened to the Shawa family has happened to many other extended families in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas conflict. An investigation by the Associated Press published in June said that 60 families in Gaza lost dozens or more members in the war during the deadliest period of the war, between October and December of last year.

  The AP investigation found in those families that at least 25 people were killed – sometimes four generations from the same bloodline.

 “To a degree never seen before, Israel is killing entire Palestinian families, a loss even more devastating than the physical destruction and the massive displacement,” the article said.

  “It’s just so horrifying,” said Savoca. “They say ‘Never Again.’ But it doesn’t apply to the Palestinians.”

  The war in Gaza began in October of last year when Hamas militants raided a music fair in southern Israel and killed 1200 people. Israel responded with a major counter attack and has waged a relentless campaign in the months since in efforts to root out Hamas, the faction that leads the government in Gaza.

  Some 38,000 people in Gaza have been killed, the majority women and children, according to the Health Ministry. A recent study by the medical publication Lancet, however, reported that the real death toll is more like 186,000.  “The study pointed out that the death toll is higher because the official toll does not take into account thousands of dead buried under rubble and indirect deaths due to destruction of health facilities, food distribution systems and other public infrastructure,” said an article on the Lancet report in al-Jazeera.

  A number of human rights groups and UN officials have accused the Israeli military of using disproportionate force and committing numerous war crimes. In February, the International Court of Justice said there was a plausible case to be made that Israel was committing a genocide in Gaza.

 There's also reports by UN officials that famine is setting in in Gaza, due to food shortages, caused in part by Israeli attacks on relief trucks and food centers.

   Israeli officials have countered the criticism by maintaining that they use precision in targeting Hamas fighters and try to avoid killing civilians. They further maintain that Hamas combatants use Palestinians as shields, so the loss of Palestinian lives is unavoidable.

  They also deny trying to impede relief efforts.

  Meanwhile, despite the widespread criticism of Israel and its tactics, the Biden administration has continued to provide all the funds necessary for Israel to wage war and most members of Congress from both parties have also given Israel full backing. Only a few representatives have said that they would not vote for further appropriations for Israel and support a permanent cease-fire.

  The devastating losses of her family members in Gaza has prompted Savoca to turn to activism to try to change US policy and stop the war. She spends almost all her time now calling the White House and members of Congress including U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-4, who represents lower Fairfield County, and Connecticut’s two senators, Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy --- urging them to back a permanent ceasefire.

 She also attended a massive demonstration against the war in Washington, DC in January and joined others to protest President Joe Biden when he came to Greenwich for a campaign fundraiser at the home of an HBO executive.


Lana Shawa Savoca, of Greenwich, at a demonstration against the Israeli-Gaza War in Washington, DC in January. 

 Savoca has also worked hard to get cease-fire resolutions passed by local city and town councils.

 While she’s been heartened by the support given by some for her work she’s had some real disappointments, too.

  Savoca and other pro-Palestinian activists tried unsuccessfully to get the City Council in Yonkers, New York (where she used to live)  to pass a cease-fire resolution for Gaza. Such resolutions have been passed by more than 100 other towns and cities around the country including Bridgeport, CT,  Albany, NY, Chicago, Ill., Atlanta, GA, San Francisco, CA and Seattle, WA.

  At the meeting to consider the resolution proposal, Savoca told the heartbreaking story of what happened to Dr. Shawa and her other relatives.

 “I probably sobbed the whole way through,” Savoca said. “We had 60 people that shared their stories and the entire time, one of the councilmen was on the phone. Another one was eating. We were just standing up pouring out our feelings crying, pleading, saying, please!” she said.

 “We know that the City Council in Yonkers doesn’t have much say on world issues, but my God, we just want you to listen to your constituents, like there are so many Arabs in Yonkers --- so many Jordanians, Palestinians and a huge Christian Jordanian community,” she said.

 Savoca was stopped from finishing her testimony when the council chairwoman, Tish James, who did not look at her while she was speaking, slammed down her gavel and said ‘Your time is up! Your time is up!’ “

Another upsetting experience for Savoca has been how her career has evaporated since she began her activism on behalf of Palestine.

  Previously a blogger and writer promoting products online, Savoca said many of her business contacts have dried up once she made known that she was an advocate for the Palestinian cause.

 “Some people blacklisted me. There are some people who live in Westchester that are Jewish and maybe they feel like they have a connection to Israel. I found out later they actually blocked me. I’m not invited to any of the influencer events or blogger events. I kind of had to reinvent myself because I’m a very social person,” she said.

  “I’ve lost all revenue, everything,” said Savoca. “Which is fine. I mean I will always speak my opinion, especially when it comes to Palestine. I can’t stay silent on this.”

  As the US presidential election campaign heats up and news outlets turn their attention to Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as well as to developments in the Ukraine war, the focus on the Gaza conflict has receded.

 "That shouldn't happen, because it's becoming this terrible norm," Savoca said. "We need to have brave journalists to talk about it and people still to call Congress to protest. It's just, it's a living hell – it's an absolute living hell for those people."






Wednesday, June 19, 2024

UN warned about danger of nuclear war over Ukraine


      By Reginald Johnson

     The outstanding writer and peace activist Dan Kovalik urged the UN Security Council this week to deal with the growing crisis in Ukraine, which threatens to spark a nuclear war between the United States and Russia.

  Speaking as a member of the executive committee of the U.S. Peace Council, Kovalik said “we are very alarmed by what appears to be a creep towards World War III emanating from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.”

  Kovalik said the Biden administration’s recent decision to allow Ukraine to use US weaponry to strike deep inside Russia is a provocative step that ratchets up tensions with the Russians. He said that Ukraine will now be able to hit early warning radar systems that were built by the Russians years ago to warn them about incoming ICBM missiles from the US.

  “This raises the question for Russia: what are you attacking these particular radar sites for? Are you planning for a first strike?” he said.

  Kovalik said the situation is similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 when America and the Soviet Union almost went to war over the placement of Russian missiles on Cuban soil.

   The author and human rights activist also criticized the Biden administration for its decision to arm the Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi group in Ukraine.

  The administration announced its support for Azov shortly after the 80th anniversary celebration of D-Day in World War II when American and Allied forces launched the invasion of Europe and began the offensive which led to the defeat of the Nazi regime in Germany.

  He said the Azov Battalion is part of a right-wing network which is spreading racism and Naziism in Europe.

  "How can the West and the United States in particular talk about democracy and human rights when it is arming Nazis in Ukraine?" Kovalik asked. 

 He urged the Security Council to “address this issue and halt support for modern-day Nazis in Europe.”

 To hear the full briefing by Kovalik before the Security Council, go to


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

US and NATO risk nuclear war in Ukraine


   By Reginald Johnson 

   While the world's attention has been focused in recent months on the utter horror of the Israel-Gaza war, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has taken a turn for the worse.

 The United States under Joe Biden has changed course and given Ukraine permission to use American-made weapons to strike inside Russia.  Also, NATO is creating "land corridors" to rush US troops to the frontlines in the event of war and NATO member France said it will put boots on the ground to "train" Ukrainian soldiers.

 These are reckless steps which escalate the crisis over Ukraine and increase the danger of this conflict becoming a world war, with nuclear weapons being used. Madness.

 Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News, has just written an excellent piece on the danger of the Ukraine war and how the US has been using fascists from that country to undermine Russia for nearly eight decades. (See "Using Ukraine Since 1948" at

 Here are the opening graphs:

 "The United States has for nearly 80 years seen Ukraine as the staging ground for its covert and increasingly overt war with Russia.

 "After years of warnings, and talk since 2008 of Ukraine joining NATO, Russia fought back two years ago. With neither side backing down, Ukraine is increasingly becoming a flashpoint that could lead to nuclear war."

 Please read the piece.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Good news in Bridgeport



 Br Reginald Johnson


    BRIDGEPORT, CT --- In this city’s long running saga of election fraud, there may finally be some accountability for the key players.

  Democratic Town Committee Vice Chair Wanda Geter-Pataky and former Council Member Alfredo Castillo and two others, have been arrested.

Here is the statement by the reform group Bridgeport Generation Now:

 "Today, almost 5 years after the 2019 mayoral election, the voters of Bridgeport are finally able to see a level of accountability. The arrests of Wanda Geter-Pataky, Vice-Chair of Bridgeport’s Democratic Town Committee, and Alfredo Castillo, City Councilman in the 136th District, on charges related to election fraud, represent a measure of justice that the people of Bridgeport have been painstakingly waiting for.

 "Both officials have been charged with unlawful possession of absentee ballots, misrepresenting the eligibility requirements for absentee voting, and being present when voters completed their absentee ballots. Ms. Geter-Pataky has also been charged with witness tampering. Two other individuals – Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds – have also been arrested and charged.

 "We hope that today’s arrests send a message to everyone who is complicit in upholding the decades-long election abuse in Bridgeport: If you cheat to win, you will eventually lose. Today, Mayor Ganim should finally end the over 250 days of Ms. Geter-Pataky’s paid administrative leave.

 "Finally, in April, the SEEC forwarded two complaints of possible absentee ballot fraud in the 2023 Democratic mayoral primary to the chief state’s attorney office. We hope they investigate these matters swiftly and bring those responsible to justice. This coercive, fraudulent election rigging behavior that has destroyed our local democracy must end and the people of Bridgeport’s civil rights must be restored."

  Hopefully, the chief states' attorney will thoroughly investigate the election abuses from the last election. They were a disgrace. 

  At some point, one Joe Ganim must pay a price for his almost certain involvement in these irregularities. Bridgeport can never be made right until this happens.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Democratic Party blocks democracy in New York


    By Reginald Johnson


     Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will not be on the ballot in New York State, despite the party collecting a whopping 42,000 signatures on petitions. This total fell short of the 70,000 threshold demanded by the state. That figure was set by Democratic Party leaders who run the state and want to keep third party candidates out of  elections and have set up impossible requirements for independent candidates to be on the ballot.

  The conduct by Democratic officials in New York puts the lie to the Democratic Party claim that their party is fighting to “protect democracy” and stop “authoritarianism.”

  Here is part of the statement about the result in New York by Stein:

  “Right now, New York is poised to have fewer choices on its ballot than any other state. This suppression of voter choice is part of the Democratic Party’s broader assault on democracy. After taking control of New York state government, Democrats tripled ballot access signature requirements while keeping the same short 6-week petitioning period. The DNC has broadcasted that they are paying lawyers and operatives to try to keep their competitors off the ballot, and recently posted a job to infiltrate opponents’ campaigns.

  "The Democrats’ attacks on democracy are too numerous to list, but maybe the most notorious is how they impersonated Green Party officials to call voters in North Carolina to pressure them into removing their names from the Green Party’s ballot access petitions. This is authoritarian, anti-democratic voter suppression and the height of hypocrisy from the Democratic Party, which claims to fight for voter’s rights, but in reality only fights to tighten the duopoly’s stranglehold on power.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Peace walkers come to Bridgeport


         By Reginald Johnson

        BRIDGEPORT, CT ---- A group of veterans and others taking part in the “Peace Walk 2024” from Maine to Washington, DC came to Bridgeport yesterday bringing their message of peace, nuclear disarmament and an end to war.

  Participants in the 700-mile walk organized by Veterans for Peace, which began May 7 in Ogunquit, Maine, walked along Route 1 from Milford and Stratford and then into Bridgeport following Barnum Avenue and then onto other streets over to downtown and then eventually to the Islamic Community Center on State Street. The walkers held aloft the Veterans for Peace flag, the Palestinian flag and a huge black and red banner which read “Ceasefire Now.”

   As they stopped for a bite to eat at Frankie’s Diner on Barnum Avenue the walkers and others who accompanied them in support vehicles said they came from all over the country for the peace walk. Alexis said she was from a small town near Sacramento California; Tito was from a town near Waco, Texas; Russell and Diane were from Buffalo, New York. Another participant was from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

 Others joining the group at the diner were Jim from West Haven and Angelo from Milford.

  “We’re kind of a band from every different location, right?” said Alexis.

  She said she found out about the walk by looking at the Veterans for Peace website because she was looking for peace walks to participate in.

 “I knew about Veterans for Peace but I’d never been involved with them,” she said. “So here I am deeply involved with Veterans for Peace.”

  Alexis and the others said they were taking part because they want to see an end to wars in general but were particularly motivated recently because of the brutal war that is going on in Gaza. Israel is waging a relentless campaign in the Palestinian enclave and some 34,000 people, a majority of them civilians, have been killed. There have been widespread calls for a cease-fire but so far Israel has balked at stopping its military assault. The Biden administration is being criticized strongly for continuing to send arms aid to Israel.


Participants in the Veterans for Peace "Peace Walk 2024" stop at Frankies Diner in Bridgeport. The walk, a protest against wars and militarism, began in Ogunquit, Maine and will end in Washington, DC in July.


Several members of the group were veterans of the Vietnam War. Angelo, who is 95, is a veteran of the Korean War.

 Friday the group will march to Black Rock in Bridgeport then into Fairfield and continue in the next few days into lower Fairfield County and New York State.

   The peace walk will conclude on July 5 in Washington, DC and participants will take part in a demonstration against NATO which is holding its 75th anniversary celebration.



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Veterans walk for peace


 By Reginald Johnson


 One time they marched to war.

Now they’re walking for peace.

Members of the national group Veterans for Peace are walking 700 miles from Maine to Washington, DC to highlight the need to end wars and militarism.

They’re also pressing for action on the existential threat of climate change.

The long walk is entitled “Peace Walk 2024 --- Silencing the Drums of War.”

“What these veterans want is independence from the dark prison of war and militarism so that our nation can focus its attention, energy, resources, and creativity on addressing the real threats of nuclear war, climate collapse and future pandemics,” said a release from Veterans for Peace.

  “They believe that our focus on military and economic primacy in the world is misguided because the only way to address these global threats is collaboratively through global cooperation,” the statement read.

The walkers started out from Ogunquit, Maine on May 7 and are now in Connecticut. They marched through eastern Connecticut towns along the shoreline last week, were in Norwalk for the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, will be in Milford Wednesday and in Bridgeport on Thursday.

 The walk will end on July 5 in the nation’s capital, where participants will take part in demonstrations against NATO at that organizations 75th anniversary celebration.

  VFP leaders said anyone can take part in the event and walk any distance they can along the designated route. To register to walk, volunteer or donate, go to this website:

 Jim Brasile, a Vietnam War veteran from Newington who walked a number of miles in eastern Connecticut, said marchers carry a variety of anti-war signs, like “Stop War” and “Stop the Killing in Gaza” and “Nuclear Weapons are Illegal."  

 People are walking on either the sidewalks or in the bike lanes.

Brasile said while most drivers ignore the walkers, others honk or give them the thumbs up.

 “With about 70%, there is no response. They’re busy. About 20%, we get thumbs up or the peace sign. And then with 10 percent maybe, you get half the peace sign turned around and a lot of them shaking their heads. They can’t mentally understand what we’re trying to say.”

  But Brasile is happy with the people that are responding positively. “Every little bit helps.” he said.


Members of Veterans for Peace are taking part in a 700-mile walk from Maine to Washington, DC to protest war. Here some of the walkers stop in New London, Connecticut, holding anti-war signs outside the Electric Boat company, which makes submarines for the Navy.

  John Miksad, a Veterans for Peace member from Wilton said a group of about 30-40 people joined together to take part in the Norwalk Memorial Day Parade where they carried peace banners and got a good reception from the crowd.

  The peace group had veterans (including a 92-year-old Korean War vet), members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Norwalk, Quakers and others.

 “I’ve been marching in the parade for about five years and this is the best turnout we’ve had,” said Miksad.

   “This is a good sign because it appears the peace movement is growing again. My guess is what’s happening is, particularly young people, are seeing this war in Gaza, the horror of civilians being killed, 14,000 children killed, people buried in the rubble and I think they’re seeing firsthand the violence and the barbarity of war.”

 He added, “People are repulsed by it. It’s being live streamed onto people’s phones and tablets and computers and they’re saying, ‘Not in my name.’ Certainly that’s what these veterans who are are walking are saying, ‘Not in our name.’ “

  The peace walk is dedicated to Daniel Ellsberg, the long-time anti-war activist who died last year.  In 1971, Ellsberg released the trove of classified documents known as "The Pentagon Papers" which revealed the lies the government had told about the Vietnam War.  The revelations helped swing public opinion against the war and led to an end to the conflict.







Friday, May 10, 2024

Right-wing media smears student protesters, genuflects to Israel



    By Reginald Johnson 



  The bias being shown by right-wing media towards the college students protesting Israel's brutal war on Gaza is really extraordinary and quite frankly, shameful.

 Citing little or no hard evidence to back up their characterizations, commentators on FOX and Newsmax are labeling university protesters as “pro-Hamas sympathizers,” “anti-Semites,” and even terrorists.

I heard Jesse Waters on FOX call the campus protesters “Hamas lunatics” and “Jihadists.”  Sean Hannity and other talk show hosts on FOX say much the same thing.

  Dick Morris, a pollster/commentator who years ago worked for the Clintons and who I thought was a fairly critical thinker, said on Newsmax recently that the campus protests were a burgeoning form of “Naziism.”  Really? Naziism?

  Morris offered no video to back up his wild claim --- showing, say, large numbers of students marching around shouting “Seig Heil!” while waving swastikas or calling for Jews to be killed. No. Zero proof. This is just incredibly irresponsible and I think defammatory.

It is true that a small minority of people in and around the demonstrations, some wacky extremists, have said irresponsible things. A few people have uttered anti-Semitic comments or said stupid things like  “Long-live Hamas!”

 But from what I’ve seen, the vast majority of the students are involved in legitimate and constructive protest. They’re calling out the utter brutality and carnage that is going on in Gaza perpetrated by the Israeli military and saying they don’t want their schools to be in any way associated with helping the Israeli state. They are saying they want a cease-fire in this terrible war and they want aid to be sent in to help the people of Gaza. Again, this is the message from the vast majority of demonstrators and I have not seen any evidence to show otherwise.

 I saw FOX News show a clip of one person shouting from the outside of a protest that the slaughter of October 7 should be take place “again and again and again.” This clip was shown repeatedly over a number of days but it was just one person ---  there were no other people picking up the chant. This person was either a sick extremist or possibly a provocateur sent in by people who support Israel and are trying to discredit the student protest movement.

 The fact that FOX would show this kind of a clip of just one person repeating a depraved chant over several days and then acting as if it was somehow indicative of the way many protesters feel is really the height of the irresponsibility. You have to wonder sometimes whether that news organization is being paid by somebody to carry out this kind of propaganda.

  FOX talking heads have also been claiming recently, without evidence, that protesters in different places are shouting “Death to America!” But again no videos are shown.

 Another claim from right-wing outlets is that Gaza War  protesters are advocating  the “destruction of Israel” because they are chanting “From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free.” This is a complete smear. The meaning of the chant is that Palestinians who are NOT free now in their homeland because they are under military siege in Gaza and under a nearly 60-year Israeli military occupation in the West Bank, should be set free.  They’re saying that the Palestinians should have their rights and freedoms just like Israelis have in their country.

 The false accusation relating to the use of this slogan is particularly irresponsible given the fact that it is the Israelis going back to the Zionist leaders who were pushing for an Israeli state in the 1920s and 1930s who were using the same line --- declaring that from the Meditteranean Sea to the Jordan River there should be a Jewish homeland. Likud Party members wrote in their charter in 1970 that from ‘the river to the sea Israel should have sovereignty.’

 As recently as early October last year, prior to the October 7 attack, the foreign minister of Israel was saying the same thing about Israel’s rights, restating that from the sea to the river Israel should have dominion. So it is complete hypocrisy by Israelis and their allies in the US media to be saying that the use of this line by pro-Palestinian activists is ‘threatening’ and irresponsible. Israelis are using it themselves.

   Meanwhile, there has been little effort by FOX or Newsmax, especially, to send reporters to the demonstrations and make a concerted effort to find out what the protesters are thinking. The basic “Why?” question of journalism is not being asked. Why are you here?

 If they did ask this, they’d find people deeply concerned about the slaughter going on in Gaza, considered by international officials to be a genocide. They desperately want a ceasefire in Gaza and an immediate delivery of massive amounts of food to the area, to stave off a famine.

 But right-wing outlets don’t want to hear about genocide or war crimes or famine created by Israel blocking deliveries, because such truths hurt Israel, and they’re on Israel’s side.

 Some of the show hosts are very open about this. For instance, I heard Greg Kelly on Newsmax say one night,  “I’m rooting for Israel.”

 So shows on FOX and Newsmax are not journalism, they’re propaganda for Israel. These stations cannot call themselves “news” outlets anymore. They’re in public relations.

(By the way I have watched the conservative channels in recent years, in addition to the others, simply get a more balanced picture about American politics and also to hear discussions about important issues that you don’t hear on the other channels such as the attack on civil liberties including censorship and curbs on free speech. So they have had their moments in the past but relating to the Gaza war and Israel these stations have been a disaster.)

Coverage by the so-called moderate or liberal cable news channels like CNN and MSNBC of the student protests and the Gaza war has been a little bit better. Their coverage is not outright public relations like FOX and Newsmax. But then again, the reporting is not very strong, either. MSNBC has been spending recent weeks obsessively covering the Trump trials and devoting precious little time to this absolutely horrendous war going on in the Middle East. Reporting on the Trump circus day and night is really not very good journalism.

CNN, from what I can see, has not been covering the war terribly well either, but there have been a few segments that I thought were good.

The only TV/cable news outlets that have been doing a good job on the protests and the Gaza war are of course, foreign-based, namely Euronews and BBC. BBC in particular has been doing a nice job, making a real effort to talk with people on the ground whether they are demonstrators in the US or Palestinians themselves who are being directly impacted by the war. They’ve delved into the issue of genocide, talking with officials of the UN and human rights organizations. There’s also been interviews with leaders of the Palestinian Authority and leaders of Arab countries.

 The BBC has also aired a number of interviews with Israeli officials to get their side. This is the way it’s supposed to be done.

 I've also heard a lot of good things about al-Jazeera coverage, but I can't get this on cable TV. I'll have to check it out on-line.

 I'm not going to focus on print media coverage, because I'm not reading papers much. I gave up on the New York Times several years ago after they blew it on the Russia-gate affair and have been uncritical in their coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal. The Times reportedly did a poor job on the big story they put out in December on alleged sexual assaults by Hamas fighters against Israeli hostages. Many questions have been raised about the accuracy of the claims.

  Two tabloids in New York, the Post and Daily News are hopelessly pro-Israel and their coverage of campus protests has been very disparaging.

 So that's a smattering of the quality of the Gaza War coverage by the print media. Not too good. But there may be exceptions.

 It is time some protests land at the door of FOX, Newsmax and the New York Times over their one-sided coverage of the Gaza-Israel War.